I absolutely was peer pressured into getting this book as soon as physically possible when it came out. It felt like EVERYONE was reading it and while I did have it on my list, it wasn't something I'd typically freak out about. However, I wound up downloading it on Kindle because I couldn't find it anywhere else. I will say, I was not disappointed by the hype.

Memoirs are not my typical fare and this is actually likely the first one I've read, at least by choice. Let me tell you, it was so good. It was intriguing, heartbreaking, and, at times, relatable. But I think what really made it interesting to me was getting to see what goes on behind the scenes of a child star -- something I will never experience myself.
McCurdy's story was both heartbreaking and inspiring. She truly did love her mother as a child, if not to a fault. Her mom obviously had some major issues and that translated to McCurdy's upbringing. I found it fascinating to read her perspective on dealing with someone else's mental illness as a child later dealing with her own.
As an iCarly fan, it did hurt me to know that she wasn't really into the character she played. While that made it even more apparent how talented she truly is, it broke my heart to see that a character that brought so many of us joy brought her pain.
I don't want to go to far into the story as to not spoil anything, but for a non-fiction book in a subgenre I've never delved into, I'm glad this was my first. McCurdy's writing was easy to follow and had just the right amount of humor -- typical of her as we, the public, know her to be.
I'm glad she chose to share her story with her fans and it just made me love her even more. I'll forever be shook by the cost of those non-refundable, hideous, custom curtains.
This one got an easy five stars from me. If you are a fan of McCurdy or iCarly in general you'll 100% enjoy this, or if you are generally interested in the life of stars behind the curtain.

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