This book was SOOO much fun! I was so lucky to have been given an ARC of this one and soared right through it! It's actually one that I saw the summary for and sought out to request because I thought it sounded so good. I was absolutely not disappointed. I also really loved the cover for this one! Great representation of the characters!

The story follows a family along with their daughter's wife and in-laws. It's somewhat of a motley crew as everyone has their own quirks. Long story short, the gang heads out on a vacation together and wind up getting stranded on the island following a volcanic eruption. It's just the seven of them plus the island's caretaker.
Basically, the story is really about each character individually, how they get along (or don't) and how they manage their problems. I really loved how Clark chose to show each character's perspective. It really gave the reader a deeper understanding of the situations going on between characters, seeing them from multiple points of view.
There's a lot of drama, plenty of comic relief, a beautiful setting and relatable characters. I also really appreciated Clark's commitment to the island story, almost as it's own character. With two of the character's having a high interest in botany and bird watching, it made sense putting in facts about the environment. I loved being educated while being entertained!
This book got an easy five stars from me. It was interesting and fun with a unique writing style that kept me hooked! And OHHH the drama! I really have nothing bad to say about this (except Jules was definitely not my favorite of the bunch and made me yell a few times lol.) Looking forward to reading more from the wonderful Georgia Clark!
Island Time comes out Tuesday, June 14, 2022!

Read the author's summary --> HERE
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